The High Acceptance DiElectron Spectrometer (HADES) is a fixed target experiment located at the GSI accelerator facility in Darmstadt, Germany. The typical heavy-ion beam energies of 1-2 GeV, provided by the SIS18 synchrotron, provide an earthly laboratory for probing similar regions of the QCD phase diagram as present in binary neutron star mergers.\\
In March 2019, the HADES collaboration recorded $13.7 \cdot 10^{9}$ Ag(1.58$A$ GeV)+Ag events within this facility as part of the FAIR Phase-0 program.
The strange hadrons emerging from these collisions are produced below the free nucleon-nucleon production threshold. Due to their steep excitation function, this makes them a suitable probe for in-medium effects. In total $1.34\times 10^{7}$ $K^+$, $1.21\times 10^{5}$ $K^-$ and $5.67\times 10^{3}$ $\phi$-mesons have been reconstructed in the scope of this work.\\
Within this proceeding, we focus on the analysis steps performed and the resulting coverage in the transverse mass ($m_t-m_0$) vs. rapidity ($y$) plane for the three hadrons.