Characterising the hot and dense fireball with virtual photons at HADES
N. Schild*  on behalf of the HADES collaboration
*: corresponding author
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Published on: June 19, 2023
Electromagnetic probes ($\gamma, \gamma^{\ast}$) offer a unique opportunity to study the conditions in heavy-ion collisions throughout their whole evolution. Once created, these particles can travel largely unhindered through the strongly interacting medium and bring direct information from their origins to a detector. Virtual photons, decaying into lepton pairs, serve as particularly interesting because they also carry additional information encoded in their invariant mass.

In this contribution, work-in-progress measurements of such dileptons are presented. Based on high statistics experiments of Au+Au and Ag+Ag collisions, collected with the High-Acceptance-DiElectron-Spectrometer (HADES), at center-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=2.42$ GeV and $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=2.55$ GeV respectively, various dilepton observables can be extracted. This includes the invariant mass spectra, allowing a determination of the in-medium spectral functions, fireball temperature as well as the overall dilepton yield, which can be connected to the lifetime of the fireball. Furthermore, first work-in-progress results on the dilepton anisotropic flow coefficients are presented, giving more insights into the collective properties of the hot and dense medium.
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