The Detection of a Compact Radio Feature in a Seyfert Galaxy After an Accretion Rate Change
K.É. Gabányi*, K. Smith, S. Frey, Z. Paragi, T. An and A. Moor
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: April 18, 2023
Published on: August 22, 2023
X-ray binaries are known to show state transitions related to accretion rate changes which are often accompanied with dramatic changes in the jet emission. However, it is not clear whether this characteristics of stellar-mass black hole systems can be scaled up to the accretion disk of active galactic nuclei.
The Seyfert 1 galaxy, KUG 1141$+$371 has been showing a steadily increasing X-ray flux since 2007, and exhibited variability behaviour similar to the state transitions observed in X-ray binaries. It was hypothesised to undergo a rapid boost of mass accretion. If the X-ray binary analogy holds then the appearance of jet emission can also be expected in KUG 1141$+$371. While the source was not detected in the Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-centimeters in 1994, it appears in the VLA Sky Survey in 2019 and at 22 GHz in a VLA observation in 2018 at mJy flux density level. Our VLBI observations revealed a compact, flat-spectrum radio feature. Its high brightness temperature indicates the radio emission originates from an AGN.
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