PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 428 - 15th European VLBI Network Mini-Symposium and Users' Meeting (EVN2022) - Surveys, Galaxies
The e-MERGE e-MERLIN/VLA/VLBI Wide-field Deep High Angular Resolution Survey of GOODS-N
T. Muxlow*, I. Smail, I. McHardy, J. Radcliffe, I. Prandoni and A.N. Ng‘Endo
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Pre-published on: February 23, 2023
Published on: August 22, 2023
The initial description paper for the e-MERGE deep (∼1µJy/bm), (30x30 arcmin field) high-resolution radio survey of GOODS-N is now published. Images are now available to the e-MERGE consortium from Data Release-1 (DR-1) covering tie inner central 15x15 armin region. The e-MERGE results demonstrate the ability of high-resolution imaging at 1.5 & 5.5 GHz to spatially resolve regions of radio emission associated with star-formation within the 848 DR-1 catalogued radio sources out to z=3 and differentiate such regions from those associated with actively accreting AGN-jet systems.

The DR-2 enhancement is under way utilizing all the e-MERLIN+VLA 1.5GHz (unaveraged) data with imaging out to the full 30x30 arcmin field of view, which will produce a single wide-field image to a depth of ∼500nJy/bm in the inner 7.5 arcmin diameter field and ∼1µJy/bm in the surrounding outer annulus - a factor of x4 increase in field size and x2 increase in depth in the inner region. An additional 24-hrs of (associated) e-MERGE 1.5GHz data were observed with the EVN providing mas-scale resolution at 582 correlation positions centered on the e-MERLIN field, the vast majority of which lie within the DR-1 area (central sensitivity ∼9µJy/bm, beam ∼5mas.)

Initial results for combination EVN+e-MERGE 1.5GHz imaging from a sample of 31 AGN-dominated radio sources are discussed with regard to the majority being compact core + (galactic-scale) extended radio structures, possibly the high-redshift tail to the local Universe FR0-type radio structures, the most common form of radio AGN systems found in the Universe.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.428.0044
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