Charmed hadron lifetimes
J. Gratrex, B. Melic* and I. Nišandžić
*: corresponding author
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Published on: November 08, 2023
We provide updated predictions of the lifetimes of singly charmed baryons and mesons within the heavy quark expansion, with all known corrections included. A special attention is devoted to the choice of the charm mass and wavefunctions of heavy baryons.

Our results accommodate the experimentally-favoured hierarchy of singly charmed baryon lifetimes
\tau(\Xi_c^0) < \tau(\Lambda_c^+)< \tau(\Omega_c^0) < \tau(\Xi_c^+)\,
in contrast to earlier theoretical findings.

Predictions for charmed meson lifetimes and semileptonic branching ratios are also in agreement, within uncertainties, with a recent comprehensive study and with experimental results.
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