Models of induced-gravity inflation are formulated within
Supergravity employing as inflaton the Higgs field which leads to
a spontaneous breaking of a U(1)_{B-L} symmetry at
Mgut=2x10^16 GeV. We use a renormalizable superpotential, fixed by
a U(1) R symmetry, and logarithmic or semi-logarithmic Kahler
potentials with integer prefactors which exhibit a quadratic
non-minimal coupling to gravity. We find inflationary solutions of
Starobinsky type in accordance with the observations. The inflaton
mass is predicted to be of the order of 10^13 GeV. The model can
be nicely linked to MSSM offering an explanation of the magnitude
of the mu parameter consistently with phenomenological data. Also
it allows for baryogenesis via non-thermal leptogenesis, provided
that the gravitino is heavier than about 10 TeV.