First performance results from upgraded LHCb and SMOG II
C. Lucarelli*
on behalf of the LHCb collaboration*: corresponding author
Published on:
February 16, 2024
The LHCb experiment has recently undergone a series of major upgrades: the entire tracking system has been replaced with higher-granularity sensors, the readout electronics have been upgraded, and all hardware triggers have been replaced with a new state-of-the-art readout system. In addition, the gaseous target SMOG system has been upgraded with a dedicated storage cell to increase the rate of fixed target collisions at LHCb by up to two order of magnitude for the same gas flow as in the LHC Run 2 and to allow the injection of more gas species, including non-noble gases. We present the first performance results from the new LHCb tracking system, the streaming readout system, and SMOG II, with a focus on how these upgrades directly impact the LHCb heavy ion physics programme.
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