Dark photon DM search in 6-8 eV energy range with URIDA Experiment
A. Kryemadhi
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Pre-published on: February 05, 2024
Published on: March 22, 2024
The dark photon emerges as an additional gauge boson in a U (1) Standard Model extension and is coupled to the ordinary photon via kinetic mixing. To investigate the energy band from 6-8 eV, where photons are highly absorbent due to molecular oxygen with an absorption length on the order of cm at atmospheric pressure, we developed the Ultraviolet Range Initiated photons from Dark-photons of Ambient (URIDA) Experiment, motivated by other work. In order to minimize attenuation, the detection system was housed in a vacuum chamber. We constructed our detector system using a low dark rate photomultiplier that is sensitive at these energies and included an aluminum reflector to enhance collection. We report on URIDA's performance
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.441.0089
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