We propose a new observable sensitive to small-scale anisotropies both in the arrival directions and the arrival times of cosmic ray events, to search
for flares of high energy neutral particles, with a time scale $\sim 1$ day, and moderate intensity.
Coherent periodic or explosive emissions of neutral particles induce, not only local spatial excesses of events with respect to an isotropic background of charged cosmic rays but also clusters of arrival times. However, traditional time-integrated blind and targeted searches disregard deviations from anisotropies in the time domain.
We show that by adding information on the arrival time distribution of events in angular windows of the order of the detector resolution of comic-ray experiments, we boost the sensitivity to flare events, increasing the significance of a detection, compared to time-integrated searches. Furthermore, we develop an end-to-end analysis for a novel observable and show how it can be used in both blind and targeted searches, thus demonstrating its versatility and wide range of applicability.