Passive CMOS Strip Detectors Response with Alpha Particles
M. Baselga*, J.H. Arling, N. Davis, L. Diehl, J.C. Dingfelder, I.M. Gregor, T. Hemperek, F. Hügging, K. Jakobs, M. Karagounis, R. Koppenhöfer, K. Kröninger, F. Lex, U. Parzefall, A. Rodriguez-Rodriguez, B. Sari, N. Sorgenfrei, S. Spannagel, D. Sperlich, T. Wang, J. Weingarten and I. Zatocilova
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: February 05, 2024
Published on: June 25, 2024
Current high energy particle trackers use mostly silicon detectors as they give very good spatial resolution, they are radiation hard, easy to integrate in electronic circuits and can take advantage of silicon technology development for their fabrication. When covering large areas of sensitive materials, strip detectors are very convenient since they can be produced in the full area of the wafer, have reduced readout channels compared to pixel detectors, and when stacked smartly, they give very precise 3D spatial resolution.

Fabricating strip detectors with a CMOS foundry promotes different foundry markets for strip detectors vendors and allows to introduce electronic circuitry embedded in it. Large area CMOS strip production can be cost effective when producing a great number of sensors.

In this project we fabricated silicon strip detectors with a CMOS foundry stitching reticles. In this proceedings we show passive CMOS strip detectors' response with alpha particles.
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