The NUSES (Neutrino and Seismic Electromagnetic Signals) mission is a pioneering space
mission focused on exploring innovative technologies and observational strategies. NUSES aims to investigate cosmic radiation, GRBs, astrophysical neutrinos, the Sun-Earth environment, space weather, and Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Lithosphere Coupling (MILC). This satellite hosts two advanced payloads: Terzina and Zirè. Terzina utilizes a compact optical instrument with a Cherenkov telescope, employing Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs) for the detection of very high energy EAS from the Earth limb. Zirè provides highprecision measurements of cosmic electrons and nuclei, and gamma-rays, contributing insights into cosmic rays, GRBs and potential MILC events. This paper provides an overview of the NUSES satellite’s instruments and discusses the scientific and technological objectives of this mission.