DarkSide-50 is an experiment for direct dark matter detection at Laboratori Nazionali del
Gran Sasso. It uses a dual-phase time projection chamber filled with low-radioactivity argon extracted from underground. Thanks to single electron sensitivity and with an analysis based only on the ionization signal, Darkside-50 set the most stringent exclusion limit on WIMPs with a mass of few GeV/c$^2$. A recent analysis improves by 10 times the existing exclusion limits for spin-independent WIMP-nucleon interactions in the [1.2, 3.6] GeV/c$^2$
mass range. Thanks to the inclusion of the Migdal effect, the exclusion limits are extended down to 40 MeV/c$^2$
dark matter mass. Furthermore, new constraints are set to the interactions of dark matter particles with electron final state, namely low-mass WIMPs interacting with electrons, galactic axions, dark photons, and sterile neutrinos.