The JUNO-TAO detector is a satellite detector of the Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) and it will be placed near the core of the Taishan nuclear power plant. It is a liquid-based scintillator that will precisely measure the nuclear antineutrino spectra, improving the sensitivity of JUNO on the correct mass ordering studies. Furthermore, JUNO-TAO will provide benchmark tests on the nuclear database. TAO will be installed in the Taishan nuclear power plant at a distance from one of the reactor cores about 30 m. The target of the TAO central detector is a 2.8-ton Gd-doped LS contained in a spherical acrylic vessel and viewed by about 4000 SiPMs corresponding to a coverage of 94\%. The central detector will be operated at -50 \textdegree C to reduce the dark noise rate of SiPMs.
This manuscript will present JUNO-TAO’s design, the status of its R\&D program, and its physics potential.