Search for non-Standard Model interactions of the top quark at the ILC
A.F. Zarnecki*  on behalf of the International Linear Collider International Development Team Physics and Detector Working Group
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: January 20, 2024
Published on: March 21, 2024
Top quarks and in general heavy quarks are likely messengers to new physics. The scrutiny of these particles properties must be completed by the measurement of electroweak $\textrm{q}\bar{\textrm{q}}$ production at high energies, in particular for the top. Projects as the International Linear Collider will offer an extremely favorable and low-background environment of e$^+$e$^-$ annihilation and high energy reach. This contribution reviews the opportunities for precision measurements of the top quark (and the other heavy quark) properties at the International Linear Collider. These include the measurements of the top quark mass and Yukawa coupling, the search for beyond-Standard-Model contributions to the top quark electroweak form factors, the search for CP violation in the top quark couplings and the constraints resulting from the global analysis within the Effective Field Theory (EFT) framework.
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