Electroweak Multiplets as Dark Matter candidates: A brief review
Published on:
July 31, 2024
I provide a thorough review of the theoretical and experimental status of ElectroWeak multiplets as Dark Matter candidates, serving as the prototype of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) Dark Matter. Specifically, the examination includes both real SU(2) representations with zero hypercharge and complex ones with $Y\neq 0$. For the first time, all calculable thermal masses for scalar and fermionic WIMPs are computed, incorporating significant non-perturbative non-relativistic effects such as Sommerfeld enhancement and the formation of WIMP bound states. WIMP masses of few hundred TeV are shown to be compatible both with $s$-wave unitarity of the annihilation cross-section, and perturbativity. Additionally, a strategy is outlined for probing these scenarios in the next generation of experiments.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.463.0033
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