Triple-leptoquark interactions for tree- and loop-level proton decays
Published on:
July 31, 2024
I present a study of the triple-leptoquark interactions within a context of matter stability, when these interactions cause proton to decay via both the tree- and one-loop level topologies. I show that the one-loop level processes are much more relevant when compared to the tree-level ones despite the usual loop-suppression factor. To support this claim, I analyse the triple-leptoquark interaction effects on the proton stability within one representative scenario, where the scenario in question simultaneously features a tree-level topology that yields three-body proton decay $p\to e^+ e^+ e^-$ and a one-loop level topology that induces two-body proton decays $p\to \pi^0 e^+$ and $p\to \pi^+ \bar{\nu}$. I also provide a comprehensive list of the leading-order proton decay channels for all cubic and quartic contractions that generate triple-leptoquark interactions of interest, where in the latter case one of the scalar multiplets is the Standard Model Higgs doublet.
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