Volume 463 - Corfu Summer Institute 2023 "School and Workshops on Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity" (CORFU2023) - Workshop on Noncommutative and Generalized Geometry in String Theory, Gauge Theory and Related Physical Models
If the universe were curved and noncommutative
S. Franchino-Vinas* and S. Mignemi
*: corresponding author
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Published on: July 31, 2024
We review recent discussions concerning the definition of a quantum field theory in
a curved and noncommutative space, the Snyder--de Sitter space.
For a quartic self-interacting scalar field in a spacetime of arbitrary dimension,
we show how to perturbatively define the classical action in the small-deformation regime
and give its explicit first-order expression.
Afterwards, we compute the divergences of the one-loop effective action
for the two- and four-dimensional cases.
These are employed to calculate the beta functions of the couplings
and to numerically analyze the corresponding renormalization group flow.
Depending on the initial conditions of the couplings,
in four dimensions it is possible to obtain an asymptotic-free theory
or a flip in the sign of the cosmological constant as a consequence of the running.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.463.0277
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