O(a) improvement of the flavour singlet scalar density in a setup with Wilson fermions
P.L.J. Petrak*, J. Heitger and F. Joswig
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: February 06, 2025
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We report on our Ward identity determination of the O(a) improvement coefficient for the flavour singlet scalar density, namely gS, from three-flavour lattice QCD with Wilson-clover fermions and the tree-level Symanzik improved gauge action. We employ five couplings, g20[1.5,1.77], that cover the range used in large-volume CLS simulations. While gS itself is for instance relevant for the O(a) improvement of meson and baryon sigma terms, a relation to bg, the O(a) improvement parameter of the gauge coupling, can also be established, allowing for its non-perturbative extraction as well. With Wilson fermions, bg is in principle required for full O(a) improvement at non-vanishing sea quark masses. We outline our procedure for extracting bg.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.466.0290
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