These proceedings discuss the current progress
of the no-compromise approach to the dimensional renormalization
of chiral gauge theories in the context of the BMHV scheme with non-anticommuting $\gamma_5$.
Despite spuriously breaking BRST-invariance in intermediate steps, it
is the only scheme which handles the well-known $\gamma_5$-problem
mathematically consistently.
We begin with a brief motivation, followed by an exposition of our methodology.
Specifically, we illustrate the symmetry restoration procedure to obtain
the required symmetry-restoring counterterms
and provide insights into
our computational setups, including recent developments.
Building up on this, we present recent results and advances for the
multi-loop renormalization of Abelian and non-Abelian chiral gauge theories, before concluding
this article with a discussion on prospective
implementations of the BMHV regularization in SM-like models.