Studying heavy-flavour mesons and baryons in hadronic collisions provides unique insights into
the properties of heavy-quark hadronisation amid large partonic densities, where novel mecha-
nisms beyond in-vacuum fragmentation may emerge. Examining heavy-flavour production across
different collision systems and event multiplicities provides information about multi-parton inter-
actions and the development of a strongly-interacting medium in high-multiplicity pp and p–Pb
collisions. In Pb–Pb collisions, measurements of the nuclear modification factor (𝑅 AA ) for charm
and beauty hadrons provide a means to characterise the in-medium energy loss of heavy quarks
in the quark-gluon plasma (QGP). In addition, measurements of the elliptic flow (𝑣 2 ) for heavy
quarks provide insights into their diffusion and their participation in the collective motion of the
QGP. In this contribution, recent results of charm and beauty production measured with the ALICE
detector are presented.