New physical processes for extracting GPDs with a better sensitivity to partonic structure
Pre-published on:
December 27, 2024
Published on:
January 16, 2025
We introduce a new type of exclusive processes for a better study of generalized parton distributions (GPDs), which we refer to as single-diffractive hard exclusive processes (SDHEPs). We advocate a two-stage framework for picturing SDHEPs based on the separation of scales, which gives a clear description both kinematically and dynamically. We examine the sensitivity of the SDHEP to the parton momentum fraction $x$-dependence of GPDs, and demonstrate it quantitatively with two specific processes that can be readily measured at J-PARC or AMBER using a pion beam and at JLab using a photon beam, respectively. Both processes are capable of providing enhanced sensitivity to the $x$-dependence, overcoming the problem of shadow GPDs, and disentangling different types of GPDs with various spin asymmetries.
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