Towards a Study of Low Energy Antiproton Annihilations on Nuclei
V. Kraxberger*, M. Bumbar, A. Gligorova, C. Amsler, M. Bayo, H. Breuker, et al. (click to show)
*: corresponding author
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A study of antiproton annihilations at rest on thin solid targets is underway at the ASACUSA facility, which now features a dedicated beam line for slow extraction at 250 eV. The experiment will employ new technologies, such as the Timepix4 ASICs coupled to silicon sensors, to measure the total multiplicity, energy, and angular distribution of various prongs produced in thin solid targets. A detection system consisting of seven Timepix4, covering most of the solid angle, is being constructed. A 3D annihilation vertex reconstruction algorithm from particle tracks in the single-plane detectors has been developed using Monte Carlo simulations. The measurements will enable a study of pbar nucleus interactions, their dependence on nucleus mass and branching ratios. The results will be used to assess and potentially improve various simulation models.
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