Flavor Physics and CP Violation

The Flavor Physics and CP Violation (FPCP) conferences are intended for the exchange of new ideas, for presentation of the latest experimental and theoretical results in the areas included in the conference title, and for discussions about future projects in the field. The conference is open to all experimental and theoretical physicists interested in the field.
This conference series results from the merging of the Heavy Flavor Physics Conference and the International Conference on B Physics and CP Violation in 2002.

The FPCP conference series was founded in 2002 through the merger of the Heavy Flavor (HF) and B Physics and CP Violation (BPCP) conference series.
The aim of this conference is to review developments in flavor physics and CP violation, in both theory and experiment, exploiting the potential to study new physics at the LHC and future facilities. The topics include CP violation, rare decays, CKM elements with heavy quark decays, flavor phenomena in charged leptons and neutrinos, and also interplay between flavor and LHC high pT physics.