November 16-20, 2009
Evian, France
published July 02, 2010
In 2009, the Hadron Collider Physics Symposium took place in Evian (France), on the shore of the Geneva Lake, from 16-20 November. It was jointly organised by CERN and the French HEP community (CNRS-IN2P3 and CEA-IRFU). This year's symposium come at an important time for both the Tevatron and LHC communities. It stimulated the completion of analyses for a significant Tevatron data sample, and it allowed an in-depth review of the readiness of the LHC and its detectors just before first collisions. The programme includes sessions on top-quark and electro-weak physics, QCD, B physics, new phenomena, electro-weak symmetry breaking, heavy ions, and the status and commissioning of the LHC machine and its experiments. Conference website : http://hcp2009.in2p3.fr/
conference main image
Opening Session
Session "QCD and Electro-Weak Physics"
Session "B Physics"
Session "Inclusive Physics" & "Top Quark Physics"
Session new Phenomena
Session Heavy Ions
Session "Higgs"
Session Computing and Evolution
Session Outlook and Visions
Poster session
Opening Session
Foreword to the XXth Hadron Collider Physics Symposium
E. Auge and S. Bertolucci
LHC machine
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S. Myers
CMS detector global status
W. Smith
Tevatron, CDF and D0 status
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S. Soldner-Rembold
ATLAS detector global status
Session "QCD and Electro-Weak Physics"
e, mu, tau commissioning/cosmics CMS
R. Bellan
Early EW signals at the LHC
M. Boonekamp
Theory (jet and W/Z production Tevatron and LHC)
F. Febres Cordero
e, mu, tau commissioning/cosmics ATLAS
O. Kortner
W/Z+jets and W/Z+heavy flavours at Tevatron
S. Lammers
W/Z properties (incl. mW) from Tevatron
A. Melnitchouk
Diboson production at the Tevatron
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S. Pranko
QCD Tevatron results
A. Warburton
Parton distributions: Hera-Tevatron-LHC
G. Watt
Session "B Physics"
LHCb tracking commissioning
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S. Hansmann-Menzemer
Tevatron spectroscopy and lifetime measurements
P. Kasper
LHCb detector global status
B. Schmidt
Theory and B-factory results
L. Silvestrini
ATLAS b-tagging and tracking commissioning/cosmics
L. Vacavant
Flavour physics ATLAS/CMS
N. Leonardo
CMS b-tagging and tracking commissioning/cosmics
J.r. Vlimant
Session "Inclusive Physics" & "Top Quark Physics"
Diffraction, total cross section, forward physics LHC
F. Ferro
Preparing ALICE for first Proton-Proton Minimum-Bias Physics
J.F. Grosse-Oetringhaus
Tevatron and HERA forward physics, implications for LHC
P. Laycock
Minimum bias and early QCD physics at LHC
S. Tapprogge
P. Uwer
Top production at the Tevatron
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K. Tollefson
Top properties at the Tevatron
M. Wang
Early top physics prospects at the LHC
D. Bloch
Session new Phenomena
Other BSM searches at the LHC
K. Benslama
Other BSM searches at the Tevatron
M.C. Cousinou
CMS jet and Etmiss commissioning
V.D. Elvira
Rare decays / Bs CPV measurements at Tevatron
H. Miyake
ATLAS jet and Etmiss commissioning
S. Resconi
Indirect searches in B physics
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O. Schneider
Beyond SM theory
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P. Slavich
SUSY searches at Tevatron
S. Somalwar
Early SUSY searches at LHC
A. Tapper
Session Heavy Ions
HI physics at RHIC and theory
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A. Drees
First HI at LHC - Inclusive production, correlations and heavy flavours
L. Ramello
ALICE detector global status
W. Riegler
Heavy Ion Physics at LHC (Hard probes)
O. Kodolova
Session "Higgs"
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C. Anastasiou
SM Higgs at LHC
F. Cerutti
EWSB beyond SM theory
R. Contino
BSM Higgs Tevatron
G. Davies
Low mass Higgs at Tevatron
S. Desai
M. Felcini
Photon commissioning CMS
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S. Gascon-Shotkin
High mass Higgs at Tevatron
S. Jindariani
Photon commissioning ATLAS
T. Koffas
Session Computing and Evolution
Experience with distributed analysis
U. Egede
Evolutions of the LHC detectors
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F. Lanni
DAQ and computing visions
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P. Mato
Plans in Europe
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T. Nakada
Plans in Asias
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A. Suzuki
Plans in America
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W. Trischuk
Session Outlook and Visions
Expected LHC machine evolution
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R. Bailey
Physics outlook and vision
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G. Dvali
Outlook for the Tevatron
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J. Konigsberg
Poster session
Combined WH\rightarrow lvbb search at CDF with Neural Network and Matrix Element techniques
T. Aaltonen
Implementation and Performance of the ATLAS Jet Trigger
N.M. Goncalves dos Anjos
Search for Invisible Higgs in CMS
S. Bansal
Prospects for the measurement of the single-top tchannel cross section in the muon channel with 200/pb of CMS data at 10 TeV
J. Bauer
Search for Extra-dimensions in a single-jet and missing energy channel
L. Benucci
Discovery potential of SUSY and UED in ATLAS
R. Bianchi
Search for the SM Higgs Boson produced in Vector Boson Fusion and decaying into tau pair in CMS with 1/fb
M. Bluj
- High Energy Nuclear Collisions: Constituent Participants Scaling and Suppression in Forward Production
B. Boimska
- Search for Long Lived Particles that Stop in CMS
J. Brooke
- Online physics analysis with the ATLAS tau trigger and plans for commissioning
E.S. Ptacek
- Searching for Supersymmetry with two same-sign leptons, multi-jets plus missing transverse energy in ATLAS at \sqrt s = 10 TeV
A.M. Castaneda Hernandez
- Higgs search in H\rightarrow ZZ decay channels with the CMS detector
N. Dr De Filippis
- Gauge Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking (GMSB) searches in ATLAS
D. Ludwig
- Search for Standard Model Higgs Boson in ZH to nunubb decay at D0
A. Dubey
- Z' boson: LEP results as a guide for the LHC
A. Gulov
- Triggering on long lived particles in the ATLAS detector in early data
O. Harris
- Higgs search in H\rightarrow WW channel with the CMS detector
M. Hashemi
- High mass SM Higgs boson searches at CDF
D.A. Hidas
- Multiple Coherent Components in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions
E. Ikonen
- Recent underlying event studies at CDF
- First observation of electrons in the ATLAS detector
J. Kraus
- Hot and dense nuclear matter in high energy heavy ion collisions
A. Lavagno
- Observation of Electroweak Single Top-Quark Production with the CDF Experiment
J. Lueck
- Results with diffractive parton distributions for HERA, Tevatron and the LHC
A. Luszczak
- Unintegrated Parton Distributions Functions - From Heavy Quarks to Nonphotonic Electrons.
M. Luszczak
- Study of Dibosons at the LHC using the CMS detector
D. Majumder
- Commissioning of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter
J. Maneira
- Reaction Zone as a Tool in Studying of the Space-Time Structure of the Fireball
A. Muskeyev
- Visualizing and Understanding the ATLAS Calorimeters with Atlantis
A. Nepomuceno
- Search for the Neutral Current Top Quark Decay t→Zc Using the Ratio of Z -Boson + 4 Jets to W -Boson + 4 Jets Production
A. Paramonov
- One-particle inclusive distribution in the unitarized pomeron models
V. Pauk
- Measurement of the Bs mixing phase beta_s at CDF
E. Pueschel
- Search for a Low Mass Standard Model Higgs Boson at D0 in ppbar Collisions at \sqrt s = 1.96 TeV
M. Rangel
- Projected exclusion limits on the SM Higgs boson cross sections obtained by combining the H to WW and ZZ decay channels.
K. Ranjan
- A strategy for a Precision Measurement of the W-boson Mass and Width at the LHC
K. Rejzner
- W+jets and Z+jets studies with the CMS detector at the CERN LHC
C. Rogan
- Prospects for the Discovery of a SM Higgs Boson Produced via Vector Boson Fusion and Decaying to $b \bar{b}$ in Association with a Central Photon
C.S. Rios
- CMS: Cosmic muons in simulation and measured data- Drift velocity monitoring of the CMS muon drift chambers
L. Sonnenschein
- Early top-pair cross-section measurements at ATLAS
D. Urbaniec
- CMS Electromagnetic Trigger commissioning and performance towards the start of operation
A. Zabi
Drift velocity monitoring of the CMS muon drift chambers
L. Sonnenschein