ISGC2014 - (other isgc conferences)
23-28 March, 2014
Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
published November 17, 2014
The International Symposium on Grids and Clouds (ISGC) 2014 will be held at Academia Sinica in Taipei, Taiwan from 23-28 March 2014, with co-located events and workshops. The conference is hosted by the Academia Sinica Grid Computing Centre (ASGC).“Bringing the data scientist to global e-Infrastructures” is the theme of ISGC 2014. The last decade has seen the phenomenal growth in the production of data in all forms by all research communities to produce a deluge of data from which information and knowledge need to be extracted. Key to this success will be the data scientist – educated to use advanced algorithms, applications and infrastructures – collaborating internationally to tackle society’s challenges. ISGC 2014 will bring together researchers working in all aspects of data science from different disciplines around the world to collaborate and educate themselves in the latest achievements and techniques being used to tackle the data deluge. In addition to the regular workshops, technical presentations and plenary keynotes, ISGC this year will focus on how to grow the data science community by considering the educational foundation needed for tomorrow’s data scientist. Topics of discussion include Physics (including HEP) and Engineering Applications, Biomedicine & Life Sciences Applications, Earth & Environmental Sciences & Biodiversity Applications, Humanities & Social Sciences Application, Virtual Research Environment (including Middleware, tools, services, workflow, ... etc.), Data Management, Big Data, Infrastructure & Operations Management, Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation, Interoperability, Business Models & Sustainability, Highly Distributed Computing Systems, and High Performance & Technical Computing (HPTC).
conference main image
Biomedicine & Life Sciences Applications
Business Models & Sustainability
Data Management
Infrastructure & Operations Management
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation
Humanities & Social Sciences Application
Highly Distributed Computing Systems
Physics (including HEP) and Engineering Applications
Virtual Research environment
Biomedicine & Life Sciences Applications
Performance evaluation of Geant4 Based Particle Therapy System Simulation Framework in Grid Environments
PoS(ISGC2014)002 pdf A. Tsukasa
Galaxy based BLAST submission to Open Science Grid resources
PoS(ISGC2014)025 pdf S. Hayashi, S. Gesing, R. Quick, S. Teige, C. Ganote, L.s. Wu and E. Prout
Business Models & Sustainability
HPC and Simulations: Teaching the Unteachable?
PoS(ISGC2014)036 pdf R. Berlich, J. Hilpert, P. Lürßen, A. Zwölfer and J. Barwind
Data Management
A Popularity Based Prediction and Data Redistribution Tool for ATLAS Distributed Data Management
PoS(ISGC2014)004 pdf T. Beermann, G.A. Stewart and P. Maettig
Capturing User-Generated Metadata
PoS(ISGC2014)033 pdf W. Takase, A. Hasan, Y. Matsumoto and T. Sasaki
Infrastructure & Operations Management
Assessing Traceability of User Jobs in Absence of End User Certificates in GlideinWMS Framework
PoS(ISGC2014)006 pdf A. Padmanabhan, M. Altunay, K. Hill and G. Garzoglio
OSG PKI Transition: Experiences and Lessons Learned
PoS(ISGC2014)007 pdf V. Welch, M. Altunay, J. Basney, A. Deximo, S. Hayashi, V. Khadke, R. Mathure, R. Quick, C. Sehgal and A. Tiradani
A Model for Identity Management in Future Scientific Collaboratories
PoS(ISGC2014)026 pdf R. Cowles, C. Jackson, V. Welch and S. Cholia
First Experiences with CEPH on the WLCG Grid
PoS(ISGC2014)037 pdf R. Appleyard, J.H. Adams and S. De Witt
Infrastructure Clouds and Virtualisation
Design and Prototyping a Cloud ecosystem for the Italian Public Administration
PoS(ISGC2014)009 pdf L. Fano
Distributed Cloud Operating System
PoS(ISGC2014)029 pdf E. Yen
Managing Cloud Images
PoS(ISGC2014)030 pdf Y. Kawai, A. Hasan, W. Takase and T. Sasaki
The rOCCI Project: Providing Cloud Interoperability with OCCI 1.1
PoS(ISGC2014)014 pdf B. Parak, Z. Sustr, F. Feldhaus, P. Kasprzak and M. Srba
Test of cloud federation in CHAIN-REDS project
PoS(ISGC2014)013 pdf G. Andronico, S. Monforte, M. Paone and R. Barbera
Powering Distributed Applications with DIRAC Engine
PoS(ISGC2014)042 pdf V. Mendez, A. Casajus Ramo, R. Graciani Diaz and A. Tsaregorodstsev
Humanities & Social Sciences Application
The Analysis of Information Crowdsourcing Cloud for Disaster Management: Case Studies of Taiwan Morakot Typhoon
PoS(ISGC2014)015 pdf R.S.M. Wang
Highly Distributed Computing Systems
Power-aware Applications for Scientific Cluster and Distributed
PoS(ISGC2014)018 pdf P. Elmer
Extending ATLAS Computing to Commercial Clouds and Supercomputers
PoS(ISGC2014)034 pdf P. Nilsson
Physics (including HEP) and Engineering Applications
Dynamic Provisioning of Resources in a Hybrid Infrastructure
PoS(ISGC2014)019 pdf J. White, S.Z. Toor, P. Eerola, T. Linden, O. Kraemer, L. Osmani and S. Tarkoma
Integrating network-awareness and network-management into PhEDEx: first results from the ANSE project
PoS(ISGC2014)021 pdf V. Lapadatescu, T. Wildish, A. Barczyk, H. Newman, R. Voicu, S. McKee, J. Batista, B. Ball, K. De, A. Petrosyan, P. Sheldon and A. Melo
The ATLAS EventIndex: an event Catalogue for Experiments Collecting Large Amounts of Data
PoS(ISGC2014)023 pdf attachments A. Favareto, D. Barberis, J. Cranshaw, D. Malon, F.C. Álvaro, G. De La Hoz Santiago, J. Salt Cairols, J. Sanchez, F. Prokoshin, E.J. Gallas, J. Hřivnáč, R. Yuan, M. Nowak and R. Töebbicke
The new Generation of the ATLAS PanDA Monitoring System
PoS(ISGC2014)035 pdf J. Schovancova, K. De, A. Klimentov, P. Love, M. Potekhin, T. Wenaus and  on behalf of the ATLAS Collaboration
Preparing ATLAS Distributed Computing for LHC Run 2
PoS(ISGC2014)045 pdf E.C. Lançon
Virtual Research environment
Realising Virtual Research Environments by Hybrid Data Infrastructures: the D4Science Experience
PoS(ISGC2014)022 pdf L. Candela, P. Pagano, D. Castelli and A. Manzi