Fast 3C 279 gamma flares by a merging medium size black hole jet aligned to the AGN one by tidal torque
D. Fargion* and P. Oliva
*: corresponding author
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Published on: October 19, 2016
The shorter-than-Schwarzschild 3C 279 variability flare on June 2015 is very puzzling. Its nature cannot be due to any NS merging nor to a medium sized (hundred solar masses) BH collapse. Our preliminary model is based on the long-life (about four months) merging of a medium size BH (hundred solar masses) jet spiralling towards the more massive AGN (BH) that is tidally dragging the medium size BH jet in alignment with the jet of the more massive BH of AGN 3C 279. The tidal torque is aligning both jets towards Earth. The twin overlapping blazars may offer at once a long and a short scale variability consistent with the surprising Fermi discoveries.
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