Observational aspects of magnetic accretion: Doppler tomograghy.
S. Potter*, E. Kotze and V. McBride
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: March 22, 2017
Published on: May 23, 2017
We have applied our inside-out Doppler tomography technique to investigate the emissions from
magnetic CVs, specifically the polar V834 Cen. We find that the inside-out projection leads to a
redistribution of the relative contrast levels compared to the standard Doppler projection. The various
emitting components, such as the ballistic and magnetically confined accretion flows, are more intensified
and enhanced: the inside-out projection exposes the low velocity emission details, from the secondary and
ballistic stream, that are overly compacted in the standard projection. Similarly, it enhances the high
velocity emission details that are washed out in the standard projection, in particular the funnelling of the
emission from the magnetically confined accretion flow as it falls towards the primary. Furthermore we
have extended the technique to also model the orbitally modulated flux variations. This in turn provides
additional information that permits the construction of Doppler tomograms that reveal the amplitude and
phase variation from the system's emission components.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.255.0020
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