Spherical and Spatial Distribution of WZ Sagittae Type Dwarf Novae
K. Tanabe* and N. Ohtani
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: March 03, 2017
Published on: May 23, 2017
Nearly 100 WZ Sagittae-type dwarf novae are listed by the end of August 2015 in the AAVSO
database.This type of variable stars are distributed much more isotropically than the Galactic
novae.Moreover very few of them are in the direction to the Galactic center.The distance of each
WZ Sge-type star can be estimated by assuming that the luminosity at maximum light is the
same.Then we can depict the spatial distribution of the WZ Sge-type stars The requirement that
all of these WZ Sge-type star are confined within the galactic thin disc gives a constraint on the
extinction of the optical light due to the interstellar matter in the galactic thin disc.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.255.0046
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