We analyzed light curves of relatively slower novae, based on an optically thick wind theory
of nova outbursts. In slower novae, we must take into account photospheric emission as well
as free-free emission because their wind mass loss rates are smaller and the brightness of freefree
emission is as faint as photospheric emission. We calculated model light curves of free-free
plus photospheric emission for various WD masses and various chemical compositions of the
envelopes, and fitted them reasonably with observational data of optical, near-infrared (NIR), and
UV bands. From light curve fittings, we estimated their absolute magnitudes, distances, and WD
masses. In the fast novae V1668 Cyg and V1974 Cyg, free-free emission dominates the spectrum
in the optical and NIR regions, so the optical and NIR light curves follow the universal decline
law. In slower novae PW Vul and V705 Cas, free-free emission still dominates the spectrum in
the optical and NIR bands but photospheric emission contributes significantly to the spectrum
in the later phase. In very slow novae such as RR Pic and V723 Cas, photospheric emission
dominates the spectrum rather than free-free emission. These photospheric emission effect makes
a deviation from the universal decline law and therefore a systematic deviation from the proposed
maximum magnitude vs rate of decline (MMRD) relation.