Volume 255 - The Golden Age of Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects - III (Golden2015) - Classical Novae, Recurrent Novae and Nova-Like Stars
Multi-frequency Behaviour of Nova-like Systems
P. Zemko
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Pre-published on: March 03, 2017
Published on: May 23, 2017
I summarize the main observational properties of nova-like (NL) systems in a wide
energy range, from the radio to the X-rays and discuss them in the framework of the theoretical models. The current
classification of NLs and the defining characteristics of each sub-type are discussed. I
also present a statistical overview of a number of the known NL systems of different sub-types and
compare their orbital period distribution with that of dwarf novae and novae.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.255.0068
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