Fragmentation Functions beyond Next-To-Leading Order Accuracy
D. Anderle*, T. Kaufmann, F. Ringer and M. Stratmann
*: corresponding author
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Published on: November 09, 2016
With the ever increasing amount of precise data available for hadron production processes,
the perturbative QCD framework is being extended to explore effects and corrections that go beyond the next-to-leading order accuracy. Fixed order calculations at next-to-next-to-leading order accuracy are required for a precise and reliable comparison to experimental results, and, consequently, the analyses of the non-perturbative structure of hadrons has to match this level of accuracy. Moreover, potentially important effects specific to some kinematical regions, such as the small-z and large-z regions in semi-inclusive electron-positron annihilation, can be investigated through the means of all-order resummation techniques. In this talk we present a first analysis of parton-to-pion fragmentation functions at next-to-next-to-leading order accuracy based on single-inclusive pion production in electron-positron annihilation. All-order resummations of large logarithmic contributions at small-z are included and their numerical impact is investigated.
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