Search For Double Beta Decay Of 106 Cd With The TGV-2 Spectrometer
N. Rukhadze* and
On behalf of the TGV Collaboration*: corresponding author
Pre-published on:
May 04, 2017
Published on:
May 09, 2017
A new experimental run of searching for double beta decay of 106Cd was performed at the Modane underground laboratory (LSM, France, 4800 m w.e.) using the TGV-2 spectrometer. The spectrometer consists of 32 planar type HPGe detectors with a total sensitive volume of ~400 cm3. 16 foils of 106Cd with an enrichment of 99.57% and a total mass of ~ 23.2 g were inserted between the entrance windows of face-to-face detectors. The limit on 2νEC/EC decay of 106Cd - T1/2 > 4.7 × 10^20 y at 90% C.L was obtained from the preliminary calculation of experimental data accumulated for 13632 h of measurement. The limits on EC/EC decay of 106Cd to excited states of 106Pd, and β+β+, β+EC decays to the ground and excited states of 106Pd were improved in present investigation.
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