Volume 300 - Information Science and Cloud Computing (ISCC 2017) - Session I machine learning
An Algorithm for Densest Subgraphs of Vertex-weighted Graphs
Z. Liu*, W. Chen, F. Li, K. Qi and J. Wang
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: February 26, 2018
Published on: March 08, 2018
It's a significant problem to find the densest subgraph in many research areas. Now, there are so many groups in the WeChat, QQ and other online chat softwares. In order to find the closely connected subgraphs with the maximum average density for the vertex-weighted graph, we introduce the concept of the densest subgraph, and then an exactly algorithm is presented as an extension of the Goldberg’s algorithm. By theoretical analysis, we prove that our proposed algorithm is correct and it runs in polynomial time. Thus, our proposed algorithm can be used to find the closely connected subgroups with the maximum average density in fact.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.300.0013
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