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PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 302 - 55th International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics (BORMIO2017) - Short contributions
Two-neutron removal from 11Li in a (p,t) reaction at low incident energy
A. Cowley
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Published on: December 22, 2017
The reaction 11Li(p,t)9Li(g.s.) at an incident energy of 4.4A MeV is discussed in terms of a simplistic zero-range distorted-wave Born approximation. The dominant contribution to the transfer reaction is known to originate with the s-configuration of the valence neutrons in the ground state of 11Li, and this is confirmed. The cross section angular distribution appears to be largely insensitive to the anomalously large radius of 11Li caused by its Borromean di-neutron halo. It needs to be understood why a simple model of the reaction is in much better agreement with the experimental angular distribution than a sophisticated treatment that should in principle be superior.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.302.0025
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