Coaction for Feynman integrals and diagrams
R. Britto*,
S. Abreu,
C. Duhr,
E. Gardi and
J. Matthew*: corresponding author
Published on:
October 02, 2018
We propose a general coaction for families of integrals appearing in the evaluation of Feynman diagrams, such as multiple polylogarithms and generalized hypergeometric functions. We further conjecture a link between this coaction and graphical operations on Feynman diagrams. At one-loop order, there is a basis of integrals for which this correspondence is fully explicit. We discuss features and present examples of the diagrammatic coaction on two-loop integrals. We also present the coaction for the functions ${}_{p+1}F_p$ and Appell $F_1$.
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