An analysis of the lattice QCD spectra for D∗s0(2317) and D∗s1(2460)
A.T. Martinez*, E. Oset Baguena, S. Prelovsek and A. Ramos
Pre-published on:
February 16, 2018
Published on:
March 20, 2018
In this talk I present the results obtained using effective field theories in a finite volume from a reanalysis of recent lattice data on the KD(∗) systems, where bound states of KD and KD∗ are found and associated with the states D∗s0(2317) and D∗s1(2460), respectively. We confirm the presence of such states on the lattice data and determine the weight of the KD channel in the wave function of D∗s0(2317) and that of KD∗ in the wave function of D∗s1(2460). Our results indicate a large component in both cases.
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