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PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 310 - XVII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy and Structure (Hadron2017) - Session 1: Spectroscopy of mesons
Diffractive production of πππ+ and ππ0π0 systems at VES.
D. Riabchikov*, I. Kachaev  on behalf of the VES collaboration
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Pre-published on: February 16, 2018
Published on: March 20, 2018
The VES experiment has collected high statistics of exclusive reactions with three pions in the final state:
πππ+ (about 43106 events) and ππ0π0 (about 20106 events).
The 3π systems are produced by impinging of 28.9 GeV π beam on the beryllium target.
The dominant production mechanism is the Pomeron exchange between incoming beam pion and the target.
At the very low momentum transfer squared t the data clearly shows coherent diffractive production
on the whole nucleus which is replaced by incoherent process on the individual nucleons at higher 0.05<t<1GeV2.
The mass-independent partial wave analysis is performed dividing data into
the bins of m(3π) and t.
The comparison of results with two models of PWA: using formalism of unlimited-rank density matrix
and, using rank=1 is presented.
The predicted isospin relations (assuming I=1 of 3π systems) and observed ones for
intensities in πππ+ and ππ0π0 are shown.
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