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PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 310 - XVII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy and Structure (Hadron2017) - Session 3: Hadron decays
Charmonium decays at BESIII
B. Zheng* and  On behalf of the BESIII collaboration
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Pre-published on: February 16, 2018
Published on: March 20, 2018
The BESIII Experiment at the Beijing Electron Positron Collider (BEPCII) has accumulated
the largest e+e collisions data sets in the τ-charm region in the world.
Using the data sets of 448.1 million ψ(3686) events and 1.3 billion J/ψ events, the branching
fractions and the angular distributions of J/ψ and ψ(3686) decay to ΛˉΛ,
Σ0ˉΣ0, Σ(1385)0ˉΣ(1385)0 and Ξ0ˉΞ0 are measured. The improved branching fractions
ψ(3686)γπ0,γη,γη are reported.
The Dalitz decays of ψ(3686)e+eχcJ and χcJe+eJ/ψ are observed
and the branching fractions are measured. The Dalitz plot shows the point-like behavior of χcJ.
The higher-order multipole amplitudes in ψ(3686)γχc1,2 with
χc1,2γJ/ψ are measured, as a byproduct the ηc(2S)γJ/ψ
transition is searched. The normalized magnetic-quadrupole (M2) amplitude for ψ(3686)γχc1,2
with χc1,2γγJ/ψ and the normalized electricoctupole (E3) amplitudes for
ψ(3686)γχc2, χc2γJ/ψ are determined. With ψ(3686)
radiative decays, many new χcJ decays are observed for the first time, such as χc0,2ηη,
χc2ηη,K(892)K and χcJΣ+/0ˉΣ/0.
Improved measurements of ηcϕϕ and searches
for ηcωϕ and ηc/η(1405)π+ππ0 are reported.
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