CAcT$\mu$S: High-Voltage CMOS Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor for Tracking and Time Tagging of Charged Particles
F. Guilloux*, F. Balli, Y. Degerli, M. Elhosni, C. Guyot, T. Hemperek, M. Lachkar, J.P. Meyer, A. Ouraou, P. Schwemling and M. Vandenbroucke
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: March 05, 2018
Published on: March 20, 2018
The increase of luminosity foreseen for the Phase-II HL-LHC upgrades calls for new solutions to fight against the expected pile-up effects. One approach is to measure very accurately the time of arrival of the particles with a resolution of a few tens of picoseconds. In addition, a spatial granularity better than a few millimeter will be needed to obtain a fake jet rejection rate acceptable for physics analysis. These goals could be achieved by using the intrinsic benefits of a standard High-Voltage CMOS technology – in conjunction with a high-resistivity detector material – leading to a fast, integrated, rad-hard, fully depleted monolithic active pixel sensor ASIC.
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