Design and Characterization of the Readout ASIC for the BESIII CGEM Detector
F. Cossio*, M. Alexeev, R. Bugalho, J. Chai, W. Cheng, M.D. Da Rocha Rolo, A. Di Francesco, M. Greco, C. Leng, H. Li, M. Maggiora, S. Marcello, M. Mignone, A. Rivetti, J. Varela and R. Wheadon
*: corresponding author
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Pre-published on: March 05, 2018
Published on: March 20, 2018
TIGER (Turin Integrated Gem Electronics for Readout) is a mixed-mode ASIC for the readout of signals from CGEM (Cylindrical Gas Electron Multiplier) detector in the upgraded inner tracker of the BESIII experiment, carried out at BEPCII in Beijing. The ASIC includes 64 channels, each of which features a dual-branch architecture optimized for timing and energy measurement. The input signal time-of-arrival and charge measurement is provided by low-power TDCs, based on analogue interpolation techniques, and Wilkinson ADCs, with a fully-digital output. The silicon results of TIGER first prototype are presented showing its full functionality.
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