We study the propagation of charm quarks in the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) by means of
a relativistic Boltzmann transport (RBT) approach.
We have take into account for non-perturbative interaction between heavy quarks and light
quarks by mean a quasi-particle approach. Such a model is able to catch the main features
of non-perturbative interaction as the increasing of the interaction in the region of low temperature
near $T_C$. The hadronization of charm quarks in $D$ mesons is described by mean of an hybrid model
of fragmentation plus coalescence. We show that the resulting charm in-medium evolution is able to
correctly predict simultaneously the experimental data for the nuclear suppression factor $R_{AA}$
and the elliptic flow $v_2(p_T)$at both RHIC and LHC energies at different centralities.