Update on the hadronic vacuum polarisation contributions to muon g−2 and α(m2Z)
Pre-published on:
October 30, 2017
Published on:
March 20, 2018
An update of the hadronic vacuum polarisation contributions to the muon magnetic anomaly and to the running of the electromagnetic couplings constant at the Z-boson mass is presented. Newest e+e−→ hadrons cross-section data mainly from the BABAR and VEPP-2000 experiments have been included. For the muon (g−2)/2, the lowest-order hadronic contribution is evaluated to be (693.1±3.4)⋅10−10, improving the precision of our previous evaluation by 21%. The full Standard Model prediction differs by 3.5 σ from the experimental value. The five-quark hadronic contribution to α(m2Z) is evaluated to be (276.0±0.9)⋅10−4.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.314.0251
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