Large-size diamond detectors have been produced and tested with the aim of achieving reliable
& efficient sensors for particle tracking or medical applications. Poly- and single-crystal CVD
diamond samples were submitted to various ionizing particles. Their metallization was
performed by using Distributed MicroWave Plasmas, a process developed by LPSC. Their
detection performance was investigated using α and β radioactive sources, 95 MeV/u carbon
beams from GANIL (Caen France) and short-bunched 8.5 keV photons from ESRF. This study
is part of the ANR project MONODIAM-HE and of the CLaRyS collaboration for the on-line
dose monitoring of hadrontherapy. The goal here is to provide large-area detectors with a high
detection efficiency for carbon or proton beams, yielding time and position measurement at
count rates greater than 100 MHz. A time resolution ranging from 20 ps up to 40 ps and an
energy resolution varying from 7 % up to 10% were measured. It allowed us to conclude that
poly-crystal CVD diamond detectors are good candidates for this application.