The increase of luminosity in the LHC accelerator at CERN constitutes a challenge for the data
readout since the rate of data to be transmitted depends on both pileup and trigger frequency.
In the ATLAS experiment, the effect of the increased luminosity is most evident in the Pixel
Detector, which is the detector closest to the beam pipe. In order to face the difficult experimental
challenges, the readout system was upgraded during the last few years. The main purpose of the
upgrade was to provide a higher bandwidth by exploiting more recent technologies. The new
readout system is composed by two paired electronic boards named Back Of Crate (BOC) and
ReadOut Driver (ROD). In this work the main readout limitation related to increased luminosity
will be discussed as well as the strategy and the technological solutions adopted in order to cope
with the future operational challenges. In addition the general progresses and achievements will
be presented.