Volume 317 - The 9th International workshop on Chiral Dynamics (CD2018) - Session: Hadron Structure
Two-Photon exchange in elastic lepton-proton scattering
J. Bernauer
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Published on: February 28, 2020
The proton elastic form factor ratio can be directly accessed via measurements exploiting polarization degrees of freedom. Compared to the ratio formed with the Rosenbluth-separated form factors from unpolarized measurements Rosenbluth, they show a different trend growing with $Q^2$. The proposed explanation is two-photon exchange, which has recently been measured in three precision experiments. From these new data, a hard two-photon exchange effect at the couple-of-percent level can be extracted, in significant disagreement from theoretical calculation. Theory at larger momentum transfer remains untested, as well as the accuracy of the descriptions at lowest $Q^2$, relevant for the extraction of the proton's rms. charge and magnetic radii.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.317.0022
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