PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 317 - The 9th International workshop on Chiral Dynamics (CD2018) - Session: Goldstone-Boson Dynamics
Modern amplitude method studies of effective field theories
K. Kampf
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Published on: February 28, 2020
Description of low-energy interactions of Goldstone particles of spontaneously broken symmetries is traditionally done using the most general action based on the underlying symmetry. All such possible terms are taken up to a given order in the low energy expansion. The explicitly constructed Lagrangian can be then used for calculating given scattering amplitudes. However this process is not very efficient as can be demonstrated already at the tree-level for relatively small number of external particles. The modern amplitude methods offer different approach where it is possible to avoid redundancy stemming from the standard Feynman diagram calculations. We will explicitly show this in the simplest case of multi-pion scatterings. The methods represent not only an efficient way of calculating scattering amplitudes but can be employed in theoretical studies of their interesting properties. This allows among other things to classify the effective models for scalar bosons. A brief discussion of higher spin will be also given.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.317.0069
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