PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 318 - Corfu Summer Institute 2017 "Schools and Workshops on Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity" (CORFU2017) - Workshop on the Standard Model and Beyond
On a possibility of exotic heavy baryons
M. Praszalowicz
Full text: pdf
Pre-published on: August 22, 2018
Published on: August 24, 2018
Triggered by a recent announcement by the LHCb Collaboration of five excited $\Omega^0_c$ resonances of small widths
we propose an interpretation based on the Chiral Quark Soliton Model. We argue that three of the LHCb
resonances are parity ($-$) excitations of the ground state SU(3) sextets, while the other two with the smallest
widths are exotic pentaquarks that belong to the SU(3) $\overline{\mathbf{15}}$. We first briefly review
the model and discuss the status of the putative $\Theta^+(1540)$. Next we show how to generalize the
model to the case of heavy baryons. We test this approach against the ground state $\overline{\mathbf{3}}$ and ${\mathbf{6}}$
heavy baryons, and discuss different excitations that are possible in the Chiral Quark Soliton Model.
We show that the model accommodates two excited $\overline{\mathbf{3}}$ in the charm sector that are experimentally
observed. Finally we discuss possible assignments of the LHCb $\Omega^0_c$ states
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.318.0025
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