PoS - Proceedings of Science

XVII International Workshop on Polarized Sources, Targets & Polarimetry

PSTP2017 - (other pstp conferences)
16-20 October, 2017
Kaist, South Korea
published June 14, 2018
Entries on ADS

The Workshop on Polarized Sources, Targets and Polarimetry has been a tradition for more than 20 years, moving between Europe, USA and Asia. The 17th International Workshop on Polarized Sources, Targets and Polarimetry (PSTP 2017) will take place at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), South Korea. The workshop addresses the physics and technological challenges related to polarized gas/solid targets, polarized electron/positron/ion/neutron sources, polarimetry and their applications.

Editorial Board

conference main image
Address of welcome
Polarized solid targets
Polarized electron sources
Polarized ion sources
Proton polarimetery
Electron polarimetry
Application of spin
New initiatives
Address of welcome
Preface to PSTP 2017 Proceedings
PoS(PSTP2017)001 pdf S. Park
Polarized solid targets
Double polarized measurements with frozen spin target at MAMI
PoS(PSTP2017)002 pdf A. Thomas and  on behalf of the A2 collaboration
Development of polarized HD target for SPring-8/LEPS experiment.
PoS(PSTP2017)003 pdf Y. Yanai, H. Kohri, M. Yosoi, T. Hotta, H. Katsuragawa, T. Ohta and S. Tanaka
Future plannings for the COMPASS polarized target
PoS(PSTP2017)004 pdf G. Reicherz, N. Doshita, M. Finger, T. Iwata, Y.T. Kiselev, J.H. Koivuniemi, K. Kondo, G. Nukazuka, J. Matousek, W. Meyer and M. Pesek
Production of a polarizable target using mechanical doping method and trial of dynamic nuclear polarization
PoS(PSTP2017)005 pdf D. Miura, T. Iwata, Y. Miyachi, G. Nukazuka and D. Kaneko
A Dynamically Polarized Solid Target for CLAS12
PoS(PSTP2017)008 pdf C. Keith and  on behalf of the Jefferson Lab Target Group and thr CLAS Collaboration
Development of closed -cycle dynamic nuclear polarization system for small -angle neutron scattering and neutron reflectometry
PoS(PSTP2017)009 pdf T. Kumada, K. Akutsu, K. Ohishi, Y. Kawamura, T. Morikawa, M. Sahara, J.i. Suzuki and N. Torikai
Dynamic Nuclear Polarization for Neutron Protein Crystallography
PoS(PSTP2017)010 pdf J. Pierce
NMR Polarization Measurements for Jefferson Lab's Solid Polarized Targets
PoS(PSTP2017)011 pdf J. Maxwell and  On behalf of the Jefferson Lab Target Group and CLAS12 Polarized Target collaboration
Polarized electron sources
Magnetized electron beam for the JLEIC re-circulator cooler ring
PoS(PSTP2017)012 pdf M. Poelker, P. Adderley, J. Benesch, B. Bullard, J. Grames, F. Hannon, J. Hansknecht, C. Hernandez-Garcia, R. Kazimi, G. Krafft, M. Mamun, R. Suleiman, M. Tiefenback, Y. Wang, S. Wijiethunga, J. Yoskovitz and S. Zhang
Milliampere Beam Studies using High Polarization Photocathodes at the CEBAF Photoinjector
PoS(PSTP2017)014 pdf J. Grames, D. Moser, P. Adderley, J. Hansknecht, R. Kazimi, M. Poelker, M. Stutzman, R. Suleiman and S. Zhang
Conceptual design of a Polarized Electron Ion Collider at Brookhaven National Laboratory
PoS(PSTP2017)015 pdf J. Skaritka, E. Wang, F. Willeke, R. Lambiase, W. Lui, V. Ptitsyn and O. Rahman
Status and Perspectives of the S-DALINAC Polarized-Electron Injector*
PoS(PSTP2017)016 pdf M. Herbert, J. Enders, M. Espig, Y. Fritzsche, N. Kurichiyanil and M. Wagner
First setup for cooled GaAs cathodes with increased charge lifetime
PoS(PSTP2017)017 pdf T. Eggert, J. Enders, M. Espig, Y. Fritzsche, N. Kurichiyanil, M. Wagner and S. Weih
Polarized ion sources
Lamb-shift Polarized Ion Source at UTTAC
PoS(PSTP2017)018 pdf T. Moriguchi, A. Ozawa, Y. Yamato, S. Suzuki, M. Amano, D. Kamioka, D. Nagae and Y. Abe
Source of polarized ions and polarized beams at the NUCLOTRON
PoS(PSTP2017)019 pdf V. Fimushkin, A.D. Kovalenko, R.A. Kuzyakin, M.V. Kulikov, L.V. Kutuzova, Y.A. Plis, Y.V. Prokofichev, V.B. Shutov, A.S. Belov, A.V. Turbabin and V.N. Zubets
Polarized 3He++ Ion Source for RHIC and an EIC
PoS(PSTP2017)020 pdf M. Musgrave, R. Milner, G. Atoian, E. Beebe, S. Kondrashev, A. Pikin, D. Raparia, J. Ritter, A. Zelenski, J. Maxwell and  on behalf of the BNL-MIT Polarized 3 He Ion Source Collaboration
Proton polarimetery
The HJET polarimeter in RHIC Run 2017
PoS(PSTP2017)022 pdf A. Poblaguev, E.C. Aschenauer, G. Atoian, K.O. Eyser, H.C. Huang, Y. Makdisi, W. Schmidke, A. Zelenski, I. Alekseev and D. Svirida
AGS P-carbon CNI polarimeter Operation Experience
PoS(PSTP2017)023 pdf H. Huang, A. Poblaguev, D. Steski, K. Yip and A. Zelenski
Absolute polarization measurement of the 200 MeV proton beam at BNL Linac.
PoS(PSTP2017)024 pdf A. Poblaguev, G. Atoian and A. Zelenski
Polarimetry - from basics to precision
PoS(PSTP2017)025 pdf I. Keshelashvili, F. Müller, D. Mchedlishvili, D. Shergelashvili and  on behalf of the Jedi Collaboration
LYSO modules for the JEDI polarimeter: production, laboratory tests and results of first measurements
PoS(PSTP2017)026 pdf D. Shergelashvili and  on behalf of the Jedi Collaboration
Realization of Spin-dependent p-C Scattering in GEANT4 and Its Application To Storage Ring Experiment For pEDM
PoS(PSTP2017)027 pdf H. Jeong, S. Park, E. Petrakou, E. Stephenson, E. Won and Y.K. Semertzidis
Electron polarimetry
Resonant (Longitudinal and Transverse) Electron Polarimetry
PoS(PSTP2017)028 pdf R. Talman, B.L. Roberts, J. Grames, A. Hofler, R. Kazimi, M. Poelker and R. Suleiman
A Double scattering polarimeter for the P2 experiment at MESA
PoS(PSTP2017)029 pdf M. Molitor and K. Aulenbacher
Application of spin
Advantages of nuclear fusion with polarized fuel
PoS(PSTP2017)031 pdf
R. Engels, H.M. Awwad, K. Grigoryev, L. Huxold, M. Büscher, I. Engin, A. Hützen, G. Ciullo, V.D. Fotyev, K.A. Ivshin, E.N. Komarov, L.M. Kotchenda, P. Kravchenko, P.A. Kravtsov, S.G. Sherman, A.N. Soloviev, I.N. Soloviev, V.A. Trofimov, A.A. Vasilyev, M.E. Vznuzdaev, D.K. Toporkov, I.A. Rachek, Y.V. Shestakov, T.P. Rakitzis, D. Sofikitis, C.S. Kannis, G.K. Boulogiannis and  on behalf of the PREFER Collaboration
New initiatives
Production and storage of polarized H$_2$, D$_2$, and HD molecules
PoS(PSTP2017)033 pdf R. Engels, H.M. Awwad, K. Grigoryev, L. Huxold, M. Martic, A. Rolofs, W. Sartison, H. Ströher, M. Büscher, A. Vasilyev, L. Kochenda, P. Kravtsov, V. Trofimov and M. Vznudaev
Physics opportunities with a fixed target experiment at the LHC (AFTER@LHC)
PoS(PSTP2017)035 pdf
C. Hadjidakis, M. Anselmino, R. Arnaldi, S.J. Brodsky, V. Chambert, C. Da Silva, J.P. Didelez, M.G. Echevarria, E.G. Ferreiro, F. Fleuret, Y. Gao, B. Genolini, I. Hrivnácová, D. Kikola, A. Klein, A. Kurepin, A. Kusina, J.P. Lansberg, C. Lorcé, F. Lyonnet, G. Martinez, L. Massacrier, A. Nass, C. Pisano, P. Robbe, I. Schienbein, M. Schlegel, E. Scomparin, J. Seixas, H.S. Shao, A. Signori, E. Steffens, L. Szymanowski, N. Topilskaya, B. Trzeciak, U.I. Uggerhøj, A. Uras, R. Ulrich, J. Wagner, N. Yamanaka and Z. Yang
Axion dark matter search with the storage ring EDM method
PoS(PSTP2017)036 pdf S. Park, S.P. Chang, S. Haciomeroglu, O. Kim, S. Lee and Y.K. Semertzidis