The latest measurements of the CKM angle $\gamma$, using data collected by the LHCb experiment, are presented.
These include a time-integrated analysis of $B^{\pm}\to D K^{\pm}$ decays, where $D\to K_{S}^{0} hh$, and a decay-time-dependent analysis of
$B^0\to D^{\mp}\pi^{\pm}$ decays, both presented here for the first time. In addition, an updated LHCb combination of the CKM
angle $\gamma$, produced for this conference, is shown. This combination yields
$\gamma = (74.0^{+5.0}_{-5.8})^{\circ}$ which dominates the world average,
also presented here. Finally, an overview of the status and future prospects of
$\gamma$ measurements with LHCb future upgrades is discussed.