Black Hole Simulations in Condensed Matter Systems
L.G. Egito da Silva*,
A. de Pádua Santos and
E. Rodrigues Pereira*: corresponding author
Pre-published on:
May 13, 2019
Published on:
May 21, 2019
Black holes have always been of great interest in gravitation and high energy particles. Through their interaction with light and matter, it is possible to understand their behavior. However, there is an apparent difficulty in studying it in the laboratory, in addition to the complex equations representing them, in particular when we left for black holes without singularities. In this work, we use a finite element software to simulate the metric of black holes without singularities in condensed matter systems. For these non-singular black holes, the idea is to use the metric tensor as a unitary element ds2 and make this metric as the electric permittivity of material to be simulated in software. We study a plane wave on the influence of the black hole, presenting how the light is disturbed by the presence of the black hole. Then it is possible to identify a light signature of the presence of black holes, thus helping their detection and study of their properties.
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